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To use these, click and download to play them on your computer using software that plays PowerPoint (.ppt) files.
PowerPoint Lessons
Supra-Intellectual Faith - Part 1 - Supra-Intellectual Faith - Part 2
- Supra-Intellectual Faith - Part 3
- How can God be Right? - Part 1
- How can God be Right? - Part 2
- Truth or Dogma?
- Creation -Facts and Fossils
- Dinosaurs!
- Where are all the People?
- Why does it matter?
Searching for Moses- The Red Sea Crossing
Canaanite Altars
Canaanite Altars - Part 1- Canaanite Altars - Part 2
- Canaanite Altars - Part 3
- Canaanite Altars - Part 4
Genesis 6 and the Nephilim - Part 1 - Genesis 6 and the Nephilim - Part 2
- Genesis 6 and the Nephilim - Part 3
- Genesis 6 and the Nephilim - Part 4
Eschatology Simplified - Part 1
(The End Times) - Eschatology Simplified - Part 2
- Armageddon
Pomegranates 01 - Part 2 - Pomegranates 02 - Part 2
- Pomegranates 03 - Part 2
- Pomegranates -Christmas
Other Topics
A Problem Called Heaven - Free Will or Predestination
- Tithing